June 9th
The result of an amazing photo shoot in an old factory build in 1894. The weather was very bad and it was extremely wet inside, but All Stard and Dalina did great. So proud of them.

June 1rst

Hip hip hurray, our dear All Stars celebrates its 10th birthday today!! He really enjoyed his Birthday cake and presents. Also Happy Birthday to his brothers Enzo, Joy and Noah, we hope you also had a wonderful birthday.

May 20th

We now have a page for our upcoming C-litter!

May 19th

We went to the NCDH Clubshow with Dalina. The judge this day was Mrs. G. Halff-Van Boven and 66 Dalmatians where entered.

Dalina (I Nenya Ikigai of Dalmatey's Spot) got VG in a open class of 10 bitches. She had a lovely judge report.

She loved to be on a dogshow again seeing all her human and dog friends and making many new ones. Of course she also did some shopping for herself and All Stars. It was a nice day.

May 15th

Finally sunny weather in the Netherlands, time to make some pictures of All Stars and Dalina.

April 22nd

Last week we took Dalina to the vet for a heart ultrasound and HD/ED test. The heart ultrasound looked perfectly fine, no signs of DCM.

Today we received the hip and elbow results; Dalina have HD A with a Norberg of 40 and is ED Free 0/0! We’re so happy! It couldn’t be any better.

Dalina now has fulfilled all the requirements to breed with her. If everything goes by plan she will have her first litter next spring/ summer ‘25. We already found a lovely and suitable male for her. Really nice things to look forward to.