December 18th

We went to Brussels Dogshow in Belgium with Masai, Koh I Noor and Joy. The judge was Mrs. Staviarska (SL) and there where 30 Dalmatians entered. Our dogs did really well;

Joy (Handsome Friends Brazilian Battle) was 2Exc. in open class males.

Koh I Noor (Multi.Ch. Handsome Friends Adamas Koh I Noor) was 2Exc. in champion class females.

Masai (Multi.Kamp. First Forest Forever Friedds) was 1Exc in veteran class females, Belgian Veteran Winner and Best Veteran of Breed.

The dogs behaved really well and loved all the attention, snacks, showing and shopping. Many thanks to Joy his co-owners Saskia & Alian who brought him at our home at 4 o'clock at night so he could sleep in his own bed first. 

December 4th

Last Thursday All Stars had a appointment with photographer Mascha de Lange. He had won a photoshoot by winning the group at the Kynospirit Clubshow. He really loved it and behaved like a pro!
Today we took the girls with us for a lunch and some shopping. We all had a lovely time and enjoyed the tasty food. 

November 16th

Every month Masai, Koh I Noor and All Stars go swimming at Dogsplash. They love it, especially whit the streamers on. Click here for the photo album.

October 8th

Today Joy (Handsome Friends Brazilian Battle) has won open class again at the Hanzeshow in Zwolle. His brother All Stars (Handsome Friends Bo Darya-Ye Noor) was second. The judge was Mrs. Kersbergen (NL). Both boys did really well!

October 7th

Joy (Handsome Friends Brazilian Battle) did great today at the Ijsselshow in Zwolle. He won open class with Excellent and was chosen as 3rd Best Male! He had an amazing judge report.

The judge was Mrs. Jarmer (AT) and there were 24 Dalmatians entered. 

September 16th

Last week we enjoyed a holiday with the dogs in the Eifel in Germany. We hiked many hours a day. The nature and views where amazing and very beautiful.

Also Masai keeped on really good on the age of almost 11 and walked the 50 kilometer without any problems. The dogs behaved very well and enjoyed of the trails and the delicious food. We've made a photo album with nice pictures of our holiday. 

September 10th

Masai (Multi.Ch. First Forest Forever Friends) and her grandson All Stars (Handsome Friends Bo Darya-Ye Noor) compete at the Kynospirit Clubshow against each other. They both gained amazing high points; 29 out of 30 exterior as well as for handling with praised comments! The judge took All Stars for Best of Breed!! 
At the end of the day Masai compete for Best Veteran in Show and loved it as always. Kissing one of the three judges and wagging her tail all the time. And it worked; 3rd Best Veteran in Show!! Good old girl (10 years and 9 months old now).
All Stars runned his socks off and did great; Best In Group for our special boy!! We are so proud of them!

August 27th

Yesterday we went to the jubilee show of the CDF in Buren (D). The judges were Mw. S. Weber-Martegani for the males and Mw. M. Martegani for the bitches and 102 Dalmatians were registered.

Masai (Multi.Kamp. First Forest Forever Friends) was 1Exc. in veteran class with 2x VCAC VDH+Club and Best Veteran Bitch. She is now also German Veteran Champion

Joy (Handsome Friends Brazilian Battle) got, despite of his amazing judge report, a VG in open class males. 

Koh I Noor (Multi.Kamp. Handsome Friends Adamas Koh I Noor) got Exc in champion class. During the judging there was a wasp teasing her. Koh I Noor is once bitten so she wasn't happy and didn't showed that well.

The dogs behaved perfect and had a lovely day.

August 22nd

We added a new photo album on our website. Click on this link to take a look. 

August 21rst

Joy enjoyed his holiday in France and behaved really well.

Saturday he stayed with us for a day. Always a pleasure to have him around.

July 30th

We went to the International show in Rotterdam. The judgde was Mw. L. Cox (IE).

Joy (Handsome Friends Brazilian Battle) was 1VG in open class males.

July 23rd

Yesterday Koh I Noor celebrated her 8th Birthday! Time flies, for us she's still "our little girl". Martine had a high tea with friends and they also baked a cake for Koh I Noor. So she was spoiled a lot!

June 26th

Yesterday we had an amazing day at the NCDH champion clubshow in Kerkwijk. The judge was Mr. Sloot (NL).
Joy (Handsome Friends Brazilian Battle) was 2 VG in open class. The judge was very strict and gave lots of VG and even G so a great result for Joy. Good boy!

All Stars (Handsome Friends Bo Darya-Ye Noor) was 1 Exc. in breeders class. What an amazing performance of him!

Koh I Noor (Multi. Ch. Handsome Friends Adamas Koh I Noor) was 4 Exc. in champion class. Good girl!

Masai (Multi. Ch. First Forest Forever Friends) was 2 Exc. in veteran class. Our 10,5 year old show diva did a good job!

All dogs did really well and had lovely judge reports. 

June 21th

Yesterday Masai, Koh I Noor and All Stars have gained their diploma Breitensport (combination of agility and obedience). They all three did an amazing job. We are very proud of them. 

June 15th

When the weather is warm the dogs always take a swim during our afternoon walk. All Stars retrieves his toy over and over again. The girls take it easy and also fool around. So much fun for all of us. Click here for the photo album.

June 13th

Yesterday it was our 10th and last lesson Breitensport (combination of agility and obedience). It was hard working to train three dogs with two persons but gladly we've had help from stagaire Sanne who did the warming up with Masai. This last lesson we finished with exchange dogs with our other course members. It's was really fun see them working with them. We're so proud of our dogs, they did amazing! Click here for the photo album.

June 1rst

It's a special day today; All Stars and his brothers having their third Birthday! We can't believe it's already three years ago the boys welcomed this world after all the effort we've did. We're so happy with a litter of this combination and very proud of All Stars, Joy, Enzo and Noah. Of course we've send them also this year a present. All Stars loved his presents and the Birthday cake a lot. 

May 27th

At the International Dogshow in Oss Joy (Handsome Friends Brazilian Battle) has won Open Class males with "Excellent". The judge was Mrs. Horsten-Ceustermans. Well done Joy!
When we came home the spotted family had a great time swimming at the little pond behind our house.

May 14th

Koh I Noor and All Stars took part of a workshop rescue swimming, organised by Dogsplash. It was a bit too cold for Masai, so she stayed home with our mom.

Both spotties did amazing and even retrieved a life-buoy and a dummy (wetsuit). For the last exercise they went on a boat, jumped in the water at the middle of the lake, get the dummy and swam back to us! We're so proud of them!

Click here to see all the pictures of our tremendous dogs.

April 17th

We had an amazing day at the International Dog Show in Goes. 

Joy (Handsome Friends Brazilian Battle) was 1Exc. in open class and later Best Male with CAC/ CACIB. At the end he was choosen as Best Of Breed! Wow! The judge was Mw. C.A. Ahern (IE).

Despite it was Joy his second official indoor show he did really well. He's sometimes a little to enthusiastic  but he also had moments he was focust.

All Stars joined us as a supporter for his brother. They both behaved perfect! Many thanks to Joy his co-owners Saskia who drove us to the show. We had a great time together! 

March 13th

We went for an extra long walk this morning; 10 km Balloërveld! The dogs loved it.

March 5th
Today we went to the Martinidogshow in Groningen with Masai and All Stars. The judge was Mr. J. Sloot.
Masai (Multi Ch. First Forest Forever Friends) was 1Exc. in veteran class bitches with VCAC and Best Veteran Bitch.
All Stars was only with us for ringtraining and did really well. Koh I Noor stayed home and walked for almost 3,5 hours. Now thay are all three tired and satisfied.

January 13th

Joy (Handsome Friends Brazilian Battle) came for a visit with his owners. We had a lovely time together.

January 1rst

Hip, Hip Hurray; it's Masai her 10th Birthday today! She enjoyed her Birthday cake a lot and loved all of her presents. Masai is still in really good condition. She only appreciate a warm coat on her daily walks but for the rest she is acting like a young dog. We hope for many more happy and healthy years with our prinses.